Friday 12 January 2007

Grime from the Floor Up

I’m not sure if Grime is due for a second renaissance or is at the end of the road.

Dubstep's rise in popularity has somewhat superseded Grime; hijacking their dirty bass driven beats, yet regulating the MC to a supporting role.

Before Grime's MC's enters the history section of Wikipedia, they have mounted various assualts helping to re-energise the genre. Grime crew, Dubbledge, offer us ‘Lips to da Floor’. ‘Lips to da Floor’ may very well be taking the piss out of a genre that already takes the piss out of itself, but no Grime tune has quite done it this well.

Visit Dubbledge’s Myspace here.

Lips to Da Floor - Dubbledge

AfrikanBoy also offered us a brilliant Grime influenced track titled ‘Lidl’. The film clip’s not much; the song however is a delightful laugh.

Visit AfrikanBoy’s Myspace here.

Lidl - AfrikanBoy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is the shiznit! grime comparisons. I'd liken it to the emergence of rocksteady which formd from the ashes of ska and took over it but pretty much was reintepreted into ska again.